Dorset National Landscape

People in red troop down a hillside. A woman in a red woolly hat holds a banner saying Natural Health Service

Dorset National Landscape

Dorset National Landscape is home to some of the most diverse landscapes in Britain. Stretching along one of Britain’s finest coastlines – the Jurassic Coast - and taking in countryside which still evokes the settings of the Hardy novels, this is a precious place for both people and wildlife.

A view over rolling landscape. There is an old tower in the distance and view out to sea.

Abbotsbury in the Dorset National Landscape

The Dorset National Landscape partnership is committed to connecting more with underserved communities and has a number of projects including Stepping into Nature (working with people with long term health issues) and FLAVOURS project (reaching out to ethnic minority communities).  

We see Nature Calling as another important project to help us further widen our audience in terms of people we engage with and in turn the variety of people who have the confidence and ability to visit the countryside. Through Nature Calling we would like to connect with underserved communities in South Somerset (on the northern edge of the National Landscape) as a priority target area.

A woman holds a gramophone trumpet to her ear like an ear trumpet. She is on a hill and pointing the trumpet to the sky where angry looking puffy clouds pass,

Lorna Rees of Gobbledegook Theatre at the Inside Out Dorset Festival

We see the Dorset National Landscape as a natural health service and our projects help people connect to nature in all sorts of different ways. Working with artists and arts organisations for over 15 years has been key to our success at this and we are very excited about the opportunities that Nature Calling brings us to work with new artists and writers and engage with new communities.

Activate Performing Arts - Producer

We exist to promote, support and produce performing arts projects in our communities. We bring world-class events to unexpected places, like town centres, village squares, beaches and hilltops. And we’ve been doing it for over 30 years.

Our aim is to break down barriers and reach the widest possible audiences, while celebrating our natural landscape and sense of place. Supporting our performing arts community is at the heart of everything we do. We bring people together, offer advice, and provide access to learning and resources. We’re here to help creatives at all levels on their journey towards creating outstanding, inspiring work. As a not-for-profit organisation, we work in many ways and with many partners.

Our team may be small, but we’re agile, expert and very well connected, with a will to make things happen.