Still Shadey spoke to James Cannon on the BBC Radio Surrey Breakfast Show about his work on the Nature Calling project.
Five writers including award winning rappers have created new work with local communities that celebrate nature and National Landscapes.
Children from New Addington enjoy movement workshops in Addington Hills.
As part of the ground-breaking Nature Calling programme, free three-day artist residencies are taking place this November in Salford and Newbury.
National Landscapes announce the start of a £2M ground-breaking national art programme, Nature Calling, funded by Arts Council England, and Defra.
National Landscapes Association hires first arts development manager for major £2 million national arts programme.
The National Landscapes Association signed a new Memorandum of Understanding with Arts Council England on 23 September 2022.
National Landscapes across the country took part in Green Space Dark Skies events during 2022