Becca Gill - Dorset - Artist

A hand holds a wooden box in the shape of an anatomical heart, the grain of the wood is visible and there is an old brass hinge on one side.

Becca Gill - Dorset - Artist

Consequences: Reclaiming our land with a giant game of Consequences

“Access to land is important and I am fortunate to be able to access green spaces, but 92% of the countryside and 97% of rivers in England are not publicly accessible. When you add race and class into that mix, so many people are excluded from the simple pleasure of roaming freely.“
UK-based visual artist Wanja Kimani

Becca is an artist and producer working in outdoor arts, community engagement, and mass participatory events. She has held senior creative producing roles as Head of Programme at Trigger (The Hatchling, PoliNations, Ground, Teabreak) and with Total Theatre, Kaleider, Pages of the Sea/14-18 NOW, BBC New Creatives and South West Creative Technology Network. She has created acclaimed works including Forever Me, Wonderfolk and Heartfelt and has presented at and been commissioned by many partners including Brighton Festival, SIRF, Appetite, Mayfest, Shift Happens, Woodhorn Museum - Creative People and Places and Green Man Festival.

Becca will be working with:
Grace Emily Manning RCA: Multidisciplinary artist, focused on landscapes, ecology, and folklore
Sita Brahmachari: Celebrated author exploring 'Home' and 'Belonging' centring global majority voices
Nick Hayes: Writer of The Book of Trespass, illustrator and co-founder of Right to Roam

Advisory Group:
Nick Llewellyn: Award-winning director (Access All Areas, inclusive performance).
Dr. Zakiya McKenzie: Writer and cultural historian (Testimonies on the History of Jamaica).
Zakia Sewell: Broadcaster and DJ, explores identity and culture (Finding Albion - BBC Podcast)

Artist Statement

As an artist, I am passionate about connecting people with nature and each other through inclusive rituals. My mission is to create new, inclusive myths that reflect our diverse narratives, building sustained relationships and nurturing a sense of belonging for everyone through the transformative power of art, ritual, and community.  Consequences, brings underrepresented groups in the countryside together to delve into their reflections and sense of belonging. Groups will co-create the Consequence game, coming from their unique perspective, using natural dyes and materials, deepening connection to the land. The grand reveal will be enjoyed by everyone as part of a large celebration of place and people.  By accessing ancient sites and crafting something inspired by the natural landscape we will foster a sense of belonging and stewardship for our spaces. This project isn't just meaningful—it's fun, aiming to captivate a broad audience and draw attention to our natural and sacred sites. We may have forgotten the stories our landscapes tell, but together, we can rediscover and inspire new tales of care, nurture, and community.   

Becca Gill will be working with producers Activate Performing Arts.

Becca Gill Instagram Radical Ritual Instagram

Grace Emily Manning Website Instagram

Sita Brahmachari Instagram X  

Nick Hayes Instagram  

A fair haired woman looks to the camera. She is wearing a wool jacket with a brown and white hatched pattern. Behind her is an expanse of water.